Historical Marker Search

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Ball Plug This large wood and concrete ball plug was one of two used to halt the flow of water through the 42-inch diameter power outlet works conduits, located in the base of the dam. The balls facilitated the repair and maintenance of downstrea…
Fort Yellowstone has been designated a National Historic Landmark This Fort Possesses National Significance In Commemorating the History of the United States America 2003 National Park Service United States Department of the Interior
With an abundant supply of water, grass, and wood, many emigrants camped at least one night at the New Fork River. Laying over allowed emigrants to catch up on chores, rest and even play. We busy ourselves in various ways - some get a fine tro…
Livestock outnumbered emigrants five to one on the Lander Trail. A typical emigrant wagon needed four mules or 4-6 oxen to pull a wagon with up to 2,000 pounds of supplies. Emigrants also brought riding horses, milk cows, beef cattle, and even she…
A military post on the Oregon Trail June 16, 1849-March 2, 1890. This monument is erected by the State of Wyoming and a few interested residents
"The most expensive nine miles of the Burlington system" (Guernsey Gazette, December 3, 1915) Before Guernsey Reservoir was constructed in 1927, and before Lake Guernsey State Park was developed for recreation in the 1930s, a railroa…
"Instead of going around the mountains, we went through them..." (Guernsey Gazette, December 3, 1915) Tunnel No. 2 on the Guernsey-Wendover Cutoff was located directly beneath this highway bridge. Over 1,900 feet long, it was the s…
This overlook sits high above the reservoir providing the visitor a panoramic view of the park. It was named for George E. Brimmer, attorney, philanthropist and staunch supporter of Wyoming's State Parks. Construction of this structure must have …
During the Depression years, under the New Deal program, President Franklin D. Roosevelt established the Emergency Conservation Work program (later known as the Civilian Conservation Corps or CCC) to employ people in large public works projects. I…
The Guernsey State Park Museum is the most impressive log and stone building in the park. The massive structure is the result of Civilian Conservation Corps* construction. Most of the material for the museum was crafted by hand. The roof is frame…
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