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A military post was first established here in 1868 and named Sherman Barracks after the famous Civil War general, William Tecumseh Sherman. The post's name was soon changed to Omaha Barracks and, in 1878, to Fort Omaha. In 1879, General George Cro…
El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz was born Malcolm Little at University Hospital in Omaha, Nebraska, May 19, 1925. He was the son of Earl and Louise Little, 3448 Pinkney Street. Reverend Little helped organize the Universal Negro Improvement Association. A…
In 1898, following the financial panic of 1893 and the droughts of 1894-95, a world-classexposition was held in Omaha under the guidance of Gurdon W. Wattles and other civic leaders.The Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition emulated earli…
William F. "Buffalo Bill" Cody held the first official performance of his Wild West show just half a mile northeast of here on May 19, 1883. Eight thousand people attended the premiere at the Omaha Driving Park near Eighteenth and Sprague streets.…
At this site in 1898, Omaha hosted the Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition.Following the model of other "world's fairs," the exposition highlighted the "Progress of theWest," drawing over 2.5 million admissions.The exposition grounds en…
On July 27, 1804, Lewis and Clark's Corps of Discovery left their "White Catfish" camp and proceeded up the Missouri River. After traveling some distance, Clark "took one man R. Field and walked on Shore with a View of Examoning Som mounds" on the…
top inscription
Unknown DeadFrom 1861 to 1865
bottom inscription
Clark Elder Post No. 158 G.A.R.
This building has carried the Baum Iron name since the company purchased and occupied the property in 1905. Baum Iron Company was established in 1857 and was originally across the street. At one time this firm was the largest wholesaler of iron pr…
On this siteWoodmen of the WorldLife Insurance Societywas organizedJune 6, 1890
Nathaniel Martin, age 15, and Robert O. Martin, age 12, while fleeing from a war party of Sioux Indians were struck by two Indian arrows, one of which pinned the two boys together. They fell from their horse and were left for dead, but survived.