Historical Marker Search

You searched for Postal Code: 64105

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Father Donnelly came to Jackson County in 1845 to serve zealously for thirty five years as a frontier pastor at St. Mary's Church, Independence and Immaculate Conception Church, Kansas City. On this site of the first church property purchased in K…
front of marker in English The presence of the Catholic Church was established at an early date in the Kansas City area. Sacerdotal artifacts were among the earliest booty captured by the Comanches in the 1690's, apparently from French priests …
(front of marker in English) Starting about 1680, the pressure of French traders moving up the Missouri from the Illinois country coincided with the commercial void created by the Pueblo Indian revolt in New Mexico. Soon, Frenchmen were coming …
"we Set out early? Passed the mouth of ? Blue water river?[and later]? a bad Sand bar, where our two rope twice?. Came to and Camped in the Point above the Kansas River. I observed a great number of Parrot queets this evening?" William Clark, June…
Marker Front:The French-speaking community made a significant contribution to the ultimate success of the epochal Lewis & Clark expedition. The St. Louis Chouteau brothers, fur traders Auguste and Pierre, lodged the two captains in their substanti…
Beginning around 1799, French-speaking traders and farmers moved up-river from the French settlements in the Illinois country, around Ft. Chartres, St. Louis, Kaskaskia and St. Genevieve and from Three Rivers in Canada, and settled at Randolph Blu…
The Savoy Hotel was constructed between 1890 and 1906 during a building boom which created some of the most architecturally significant buildings in the central business district. The first major hotel enroute from the old Union depot, it served a…