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Showing results 1 to 10 of 11
The most obvious music associated with any church is the sweet and dignified tolling of the church bell. Pictured above is George E. Hipwod, President of the Holy Names Society who presented the bell for placement in the new church.
The bell wa…
The land now occupied by the City of Watervliet is part of a tract purchased by the first Patroon, Kiliaen van Rensselaer in 1630 from the Mohican or River Indians. The tract was within a large area on the west side of the Hudson River named Wely'…
Oldest, Continuously ActiveManufacturing Arsenal in U.S.Founded in 1813.
The 3 inch antitank gun was deployed during WWII. Hundreds of these guns were used by American troops in Europe and the Pacific during the war.Range: 16,100 yards max. 1,000 yards antitank range.The U.S. 1st Army and 3rd Army in Europe had over 30…
Peter J. DalessandroCongressional Medal of Honor
Technical Sergeant, US Army, Company E. 39th Infantry, 9th Infantry Division Sergeant DAlessandro was born May 19, 1918. Entered service at: Watervliet, N.Y.Presented the Congressional Medal of H…
The Nalle RescueApril 27, 1860Near this site on Broadway, Charles Nalle,a fugitive slave from Culpepper, Virginia,was rescued from slave catchers byHarriet Tubman and citizens of Troy andWest Troy (Watervliet), completing anepic struggle begun in …
This Greek-revival building was one of several weigh stations along the Canal used to levy the tolls for barges carrying merchandise and farm goods.
Until 1850 freight cargoes were measured by the displacement theory, but this hydraulic type wo…
Site of Erie Canal lock &former Weighlock Bldg.1850-1915located near "The Juncta" of oldErie and Champlain Canals
Meneely Foundry1826 - 1950 First Chime &Carillon in U.S. Cast HereForemost Bell MakerPatented Rotary Yoke AndCasting Procedures.
Completed 1825 Terminus atHudson River. Locks calledSidecut allowed entry tonavigable waters