Historical Marker Search

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Originally called Russell Place for the Irish immigrant William Russell who settled near here on a branch of Beaver Creek in 1768. General William Tecumseh Sherman passed through Russell Place in 1865 on his way to North Carolina. In 1871 James Ro…
James Marion Sims, World Famed Physician, Father of modern gynaecol'ogyA blessing and a benefactor to women was born in the farm house ofhis parents near this siteJanuary 25, 1813Doctor to empress and slave alikefounder of women's hospital of the …
(Front) A ferry was operated on the Wateree River, at a point about 4 mi. W, as early as 1775. In 1808 ferry rights were granted to Thomas Starke, Jr. and Austin Ford Peay (d. 1841), planters with property in Fairfield and Kershaw Districts. P…
[Front]The Warrenton Muster Ground, originally known as Gardner's Old Field, was a nineteenth and early-twentieth century meeting place for local militia companies. The area was named Warrenton after thirty families from Warrenton, N.C. settled he…
(Front) According to local tradition, this African Methodist Episcopal Zion Campground was established c.1870. Instrumental in organizing the campground was former slave Isom Caleb Clinton, who was ordained Bishop of the church in 1892. Through t…
(Front) American forces under Major William R. Davie had captured a British convoy July 21, 1780, and were retreating with prisoners mounted two to the horse when ambushed by British several miles west of here on Beaver Creek. Nearly all the Bri…
About 2.5 miles south is Hanging Rock, where Maj. Davie surprised a British force, Aug. 1, 1780, and killed or wounded most of them. There also, Aug. 6, 1780, Col. Hill, Col. Irwin, and Maj. Davie, all under Gen. Sumter, successfully attacked the …
About 1? miles west of this spot stood the house in which Dr. James Marion Sims was born on January 25, 1813. Father of modern gynecology, Dr. Sims was honored by the American and by European governments for his service to suffering women, empress…