You searched for Postal Code: 31537
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On June 29, 1796, this Treaty was signed ? mile south of here near Indian Agent James Seagrove's home, a trading post and garrison of Federal troops on the St. Marys River. The meeting included representatives of the United States and the State of…
Racepond was named for "Race Pond," a round cypress pond near here, where, about 1836, United States soldiers ran their horses for sport.
The troops were stationed at the pond to watch for and capture any Indians who might venture out from the …
Okefenokee, "Land of the Trembling Earth", was a favorite hunting and fishing ground for many tribes of Indians. General Charles Floyd with 250 dragoons drove out the last of these, the Seminoles, in 1838 ending Indian rebellion in southern Georgi…
Memorial to Henry Roddenberry
Born 1803 - Died 1861
Son of George Roddenberry (1758 - 1850)A Soldier in the American Revolution
Settled near Traders Hill about 1835
Indian War Mounted Soldier 1838 - 1839A first citizen of Charlton Coun…
Sardis Church, about 2 miles West on this Road, is the oldest church in Charlton County. Constituted some time before 1821, the first edifice was built in this area. The church was moved to or near its present site in 1840. The pulpit in this edif…
Traders Hill Masonic Lodge was established by dispensation March 1, 1854, one month after Charlton County was created. The first return to the Grand Lodge was made in 1855, and showed: the Rev. F.M. Smith, W.M.; R.A. Baker, S.W.; P.W.W. Mattox, J.…
This mill pond marks the site of Major Archibald Clark's sawmill, the oldest industry in what is now Charlton County. Built about 1802, this mill with upright saws was operated by water power, and lumber shipped down the St. Marys River.
Major …
About 2 miles East, on this road, is the site of "Fort Alert, usually called Trader's Hill." Established in the 18th century, and defended by a stockade garrisoned by U.S. Troops, Trader's Hill was a refuge for settlers during the Indian Wars. At …
Two miles Northeast of here is the site of old Center Village, or Centerville, settled about 1800 and for many years an important trading center. To this village came the inhabitants of Ware, Pierce, Clinch, Coffee and Appling Counties, bring stap…
Created by an Act of February 18, 1854 out of Camden County, Charlton County was named for Judge Robert M. Charlton of Savannah. Trader`s Hill (Fort Alert), an important shipping point and head of navigation on St. Marys River, was the first Count…