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In memory of
The Auburn Men
who gave their lives
in the
World War
The first African American student entered the library to register at Auburn University at this site. Acting on a court order, Auburn president Ralph Brown Draughon accepted the application of Harold Franklin as the first African American student …
(Side 1)Max Adams Morris
Max Adams Morris b. December 7, 1918, of Blountsville, Alabama, entered Alabama Polytechnic Institute (API) in 1938, was a varsity football player and became a member of "A"club, Scabbard & Blade, and Blue Key honor soc…
The deepest part of the quarry floor was sealed, lined and allowed to fill with water from a natural spring forming a lake 40 ft deep in places. Mr. Butchart stocked the pool with trout which would rise to the surface to be fed when he clapped his…
The barren rock face of the quarry presented Jennie Butchart with a challenge. She hung in a bosun's chair to plant ivy in the crevices in the rock walls.
(Side 1)Dr. Charles Cary, a native of Iowa and graduate of Iowa State in 1887, came to Auburn in 1892 and taught the first class of veterinary medicine at Alabama Polytechnic Institute. He has been called the Father of Veterinary Medicine in the S…
Established in 1896 by Professor J.F. Duggar, the Old Rotation at Auburn University is: (1) the oldest, continuous cotton experiment in the U.S.; and (2) the 3rd oldest continuous field crop experiment in the U.S.; and (3) the 1st experiment to de…
Settled by Judge J. J. Harper and others from Harris County, Georgia, in 1836.This region was opened to settlementin 1836-37 by the removal of theCreek Indians to lands westof the Mississippi River.
Erected byThe Alabama Officers ClubDaughters …
This title given by Legislature in 1960 followed start of second century of growth in diverse services to state, nation. This act confirmed name "Auburn" used popularly from its founding by Methodists as East Alabama Male College in 1856. Methodis…