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Wayne County's
loving tribute
to the
noble men
who marched
neath the flag
of the
Stars and Bars
Left Side
Furl that banner
true' tis gory,
yet' tis wreathed
around with glory,
and' twill live in
song and story,
though it…
Dedicated to the memory
all citizens
Wayne County Mississippi
who gave their lives
in the service
of our country
1917 — 1975
"If ye break faith we
shall have died in vain"
About one mile to the west. Site of Patton's Fort, 1813. Chartered 1818. Near old road from Natchez to Ga. Became a thriving trade center, serving as county seat until 1867.
Born 1780 in South Carolina. First signer of petition in 1808 to form Wayne County from Mississippi Territory. Served in several Wayne County courts. State's 2nd Lt. Gov. Died May 3,1830, at Winchester. Brd. 6/10 mi. SW in S33~T8N~R6W.
This family was estab. in Wayne County by Clinch Gray, a native of North Carolina. He immigrated to this region in 1808, one yr. before the Co. was organ. within the Mississippi Terr. Gray signed Miss.'s first const. in 1817. He was buried here, 1…
Clinch Gray, son of Thomas Gray, who was council to the Crown in 1765, Virginia State Legislator 1779-1794, Tennessee lawyer and legislator 1795-1829.
Clinch Gray, accompanied by Fann Crease settled at this site in 1805.
In 1811, he was appo…
8 mi. NE, on Buckatunna Creek. Organized with 11 members, March 31, 1821, in John Keahey home. Moved to McCrae & Britton area about 1840. First Presbyterian Church in Wayne Co. ..
To facilitate travel between Wayne Co., Miss. and points west, W.C.C. Dyess built here the first bridge over the Buckatunna River, 1868-70. It continued in use until 1912. Dyess homestead 200 ft. N.W.
In 1962, the First State Bank in Waynesboro became the first bank in Mississippi to open an auto bank offering drive-up window service. The idea originated with bank president and later chairman W.D. Mangum. Approved by the state bank comptroller …
Lt. Lindsey was awarded the 100th Congressional Medal of Honor given in World War II. Presented by Pres. Truman, Lindsey was the only recipient to ever receive the award before a Joint Session of the Congress.