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(First Panel):Building Union SupportTennessee Unionists RevoltTennessee seceded from the Union in June 1861. Most people in Middle and West Tennessee supported that action but a large number of East Tennesseans did no. East Tennesseans were soon i…
(First Panel):Camp Andy JohnsonEstablished August 1861Camp Andy Johnson was named for Senator Andrew Johnson of Greenville, Tennessee, the only senator from a seceding state who remained loyal. The camp was a refuge for the loyal men of East Tenne…
On September 19, 1861, near the spot where you now stand, a small contingent of Knox County Home Guard faced 800 Confederates at the bridge spanning Town Spring Branch. In 1992 the Civil War Sites Advisory Commission named the Battle of Barbourvil…
Within a short distance of what is now Barbourville, an expedition under the leadership of Dr. Thomas Walker established a base for operations while exploring the eastern mountain range of Kentucky.
A replica of Dr. Walker's log cabin, 8 by 12 …
Near here is site of first structure built April 1750 by a white man in Kentucky. Erected by Dr. Thomas Walker's party while exploring in the interest of the Loyal Land Company.
For Henry Knox, U.S. Sec. of War, 1785-96. Born Boston, 1750. Joined Continental Army, 1775. Battles of Bunker Hill, Brandywine, Yorktown, and others. Command of artillery, 1775. Commissioned Major-General, 1781. Proposed a military academy in 177…
First skirmish in eastern Ky. On Sept. 19, 1861, Zollicoffer's CSA troops approached Barbourville. Home guard obstructed bridge, CSA took another route, were repulsed twice before guards retreated. Considerable property destroyed in town.