You searched for Postal Code: 64131
Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
For God - For Country - For DeMolay
Dedicated on the 50th anniversary
of the Order of the DeMolay,
March 18, 1969, to the memory of
Frank S. Land
as a lasting tribute to his
inspiration and devotion to the
international youth move…
Born Bridgeport Virginia Sept. 16, 1816. Came to Missouri in 1843. Was United States Senator from Missouri 1861. Confederate Soldier 1861-1863. Confederate States Senator from Missouri 1863 to 1865. President Constitutional Convention of Missour…
Dr. McKenzie was a surgeon, physician, educator, artist and sculptor. In addition he was also an athlete, a teacher, a writer and a volunteer Scouter.
A personal friend of Scouting's founder, Sir Robert Baden-Powell, he shared with B-P his beli…
On Oct. 23, 1864, Confederate Gen. Shelby being forced back from Westport by Gen. Curtis and flanked on the east by Gen. Pleasonton formed a defensive line here behind stone fences running east and west to the state line. Jackman's Brigade of Shel…
front left panel Leroy Robert (picture of Satchel) July 7, 1906 June 8, 1982
front right panelLahoma Jean (picture of Lahoma) April 7, 1922 Sept. 22, 1986
center front panelPaigeHe began work carrying suitcases at Mobile Union Station…
(Front):In memory of our Confederate Dead
(Reverse):To the brave soldiers who fell in the Battle of Westport October 23, 1864.
The Thos. Mockbee Farmhouse stood here. On Oct. 22, 1864 when, after the Confederates had forced a crossing of the Big Blue to the east 300 men of the 2nd Kas. Militia were north of the farmhouse where they formed a line facing north. Jackman's Br…