You searched for Postal Code: 79503
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Situated on ranch land of family of S.M. Swenson, banker who in 1850s underwrote Swedish migration to Texas. Church forms center for Ericksdahl community, founded 1905 by Swedes formerly living near Austin. Visiting pastors L.J. Sundquist and J.A.…
Located near Spring Creek, this cemetery began in 1891 on two acres of land donated by the Methodist church in the community known as Avo. The first recorded burial was that of Elender Cannon in February 1891. The Methodist church deeded two addit…
In preparation for the eventual U.S. entry into World War II, Gen. Henry H. "Hap" Arnold sought to expand the nation's combat air forces by asking civilian flight schools to provide the primary phase of training for air cadets. At twenty…