You searched for Postal Code: 80104
Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
Founders' Founding
Frank X. Flierl and Frank Hagg were neighboring homesteaders on the southern portion of the land that would become Founders Village in the late 20th century. They, like many other residents of the Ridge Road-Lower Lake Gulch …
This property
has been designated as a
Historic Landmark
by the Castle Rock
Historic Preservation Board
City Hotel
This property
has been designated as a
Historic Landmark
by the Castle Rock
Historic Preservation Board
Victoria's House
This property has been
placed on the
National Register
of Historic Places
by the United States
Department of the Interior
Second plaque
This property
has been designated as a
Historic Landmark
by the Castle Rock
Historic P…
This property has been
placed on the
National Register
of Historic Places
By the United States
Department of the Interior
Secondary plaque
This property
has been designated as a
Historic Landmark
By the Castle Rock
Historic Pre…
The founders of Castle Rock platted their town beneath a prominent rock outcrop of the same name in 1874, and proudly advertised it as a year-round resort, knowing the value of beautiful scenery to attract settlers and tourists. But even greater v…
A geologic phenomenon known as a "glowing avalanche" formed Castle Rock and the other buttes of Douglas County 36.7 million years ago. A volcanic eruption near Mount Princeton, about 95 miles southwest of here, spewed a frothy, gleaming cloud of l…
Even before people began driving automobiles in Colorado, they clamored for good roads. In the late 1880s men, women, and children of all backgrounds jumped on breezy bicycles known as "velocipedes" or "Wheels" but cursed the roads-rutted, unmarke…
The reasons for Douglas County's popularity in the late twentieth century-rolling landscapes, pastoral scenery, and the proximity to a big city-also attracted late-nineteenth century settlers. In November 1861, territorial legislators created Doug…