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The "New Ranch House" was built in the 1950s by the Boice family for Frank Boice's oldest son Frank (Pancho). It was here that Pancho and his wife Sherry raised their four children: Steve, Kitty, Sherry, and Carol.
Mac and Billy Donaldson and the…
Hired Man's House - Who Lived Here?This two room house was in existence by 1920. Most likely, the Vails built it for use by families working on the Empire Ranch. Dusty Vail Ingram, who grew up on the Empire, recalled that the Estrada family lived …
Has been listed in the National Register of Historic Places By the United States Department of the InteriorSeptember 30, 1988
Behind you are many of the original buildings of the historic Empire Ranch, established in the 1870s by Edward Nye Fish on 160 acres with a four-room adobe ranch house and corral.
In 1876, Walter L. Vail and Herbert R. Hislop purchased the ranc…
Honoring the young men who served in the Civilian Conservation Corps here and across the nation. With shovel and hammer, trowel and chisel, they moved earth, planted trees, crafted stone, and built structures that shape our landscape and remain a …
This Property hasbeen placed on theNational Registerof Historic Places By the United StatesDepartment of the InteriorColossal CaveMountain Park1934