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When dedicated on July 4, 1917, the Hiram M. Chittenden Locks was the largest navigation facility in North America. During the dedication, the USS Roosevelt - flagship for Commodore Robert Peary's famous 1909 expedition to the North Pole - led a p…
The Ballard Avenue Landmark District holds a significant place in Seattle history. The uniquely-preserved state of Ballard Avenue provides visitors with a window into the heyday of Ballard's industrial and commercial era.
The City of Ballard wa…
Multiple markers on and near the Ballard Centennial Bell identify the Ballard Avenue Historic District.Marker 1:Be it remembered that at this place on the eleventh day of April, Nineteen Hundred and Seventy Six, the Ballard Avenue Landmark Distric…
The Ballard Historical Society and the Seattle-Bergen Sister City Association joined together to create this mural in 1995 to commemorate our community's rich and prosperous history, and to celebrate our economic and cultural ties to other nations…