Historical Marker Search

You searched for Postal Code: B2X 2M1

Showing results 1 to 10 of 15
Vessels entering Lock two, traveling northward, were approximately 19 meters above the level of the Harbour. This lock would raise them another three or four meters enabling them the make their way along the canal to Lock three. This present lock …
At the point you are approximately 26 meters above sea level, almost at the height of Lake Charles from which the water flows in two directions - south to the Harbour and north to the Bay of Fundy. To get to this point vessels would have traveled …
Possibly a Storage Building for Powder This is the only example of this style of structure found anywhere along the canal. While the Archaeologists are uncertain about its use, it may have been a storage area for black powder used to blast the bed…
Hard Digging! From this location you can begin to appreciate the enormous task which faced the canal workers. Prior to 1826 this canal cut or trench did not exist and all of the earth and rock had to be removed. Unlike the lower part of the canal …
A Dwelling for Two Families Imagine this structure on top of the stone foundation in front of you. This home would be similar to the one at Site No. 9. However this structure is larger and contains two small stone hearths. When excavated in 1985 …
Man-made Bank You are now walking on a man made bank which forms one side of the canal cut. This wall of earth and stone was necessary to contain the depth of water needed to float the barges. During the first phase of the canal construction the…
Lock 2 You are now looking at the upper sill of Lock 2. The chambers of the first five Locks on the Canal are approximately 21 meters long and 5.5 meters wide. Therefore the boats and barges used on the system had to be able to fit within these …
Location of prominent historical characters at the ground breaking ceremony General location of the official ground breaking ceremony, July 25th, 1826. Looking south from the walking bridge you are viewing the general location of the official gro…
Lock 2 Looking north from the walking bridge you see Lock 2. This lock was the first to be constructed on the Canal. Initially the lock was built totally of granite blocks (British construction method), as seen on the east wall. After the first C…
Navvies The most concentrated number of features belonging to the Canal Camp are located in this area beneath the trees and along the roadway. You can still make out the remains of several stone foundations. A plan of this area prepared in 1826 s…