Historical Marker Series

California Trail

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Below this ridge is what some pioneers dubbed the "Devils Ladder." A name reflecting the steepness and extreme difficulty that pioneers experienced as they began their ascent over the Sierra Nevada. This climb was usually referred to as the "first summit" o…
Here US-56 lies directly on the route of the Oregon-California and Santa Fe trails. Nearby, the trails branched. On a rough sign pointing northwest were the words, "Road to Oregon." Another marker directed travelers southwest along the road to Santa Fe. …
On May 22, 1844, this small wagon party of 50 men, women and children "jumped off" from Council Bluffs, Iowa, bound for California. These courageous pioneers were the first emigrants to take wagons over the Sierra Nevada, opening the Truckee Route of the Ca…
Captain Stephens brought the first wagonsover the snow covered Sierra NevadaTruckee Pass with no casualties in theStephens-Murphy-Townsend party of 1844,arriving at Sutter's Fort with 11 wagonsand 51 people plus 2 infants born on theway. Later wagon trains …
This monument was erected on the 75th anniversary of the date of its charter May 10-th 1923 by Western Star Lodge No. 2 F.& A.M.of Shasta, Calif.The oldest Masonic Chapter in Calif.Granted May 10-th1848.By the Grand Lodge ofMissouri.ToSashel Woods. W.M.Pete…
A vast display of towering granite rocks (16 miles southeast of here) attracted emigrants who were on their way to California. A gold rush visitor, July 14, 1849, reported that "you can imagine among these massive piles, church domes, spires, pyramids...…
This shortcut to the California goldfields, followed by most of the 49'ers, came out of the hills to the east and joined the old California trail just about here. Opened by "Messrs. Hudspeth & Myers, of the Jackson County, Missouri, Company," who reached…
Marker Front:The Council Bluffs area was the scene of such important events in Iowa history as the explorations of Lewis and Clark, the Mormon Trail, the Missouri River steamboat traffic and the railroad industry. Francois Guittar established the first whit…
Marker Front:The Council Bluffs area was the scene of such important events in Iowa history as the explorations of Lewis and Clark, the Mormon Trail, the Missouri River steamboat traffic and the railroad industry. Francois Guittar established the first whit…
Westward bound settlers crossed and traveled the Frontier Military Road as they headed to new land and new lives. These migrants faced the unknown with anxiety and anticipation in search of a better life. The Sante Fe Trail, the Oregon Trail and the Califor…
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