California: Sutter Creek Gold Mine Trail
Showing results 1 to 10 of 15
Founded prior to 1867 as the Loyal Lode Mine. The Fremont-Gover Company formed in 1872 and worked the Gover in the 1880's and ?90's. The Fremont shaft was sunk in 1903 including a 40 stamp mill continuing in operation until 1918. Reopened in 1937 and worked…
Opened in 1852 from six claims. Renamed Original Amador Consolidated working till 1918. Reopened in 1935 till 1937. Shaft reached 1238'. Total production was $3,500,000.
Eastern Shaft of the Wildman Mine located at the Post Office site. Used as an air chute and hoist shaft to dispose of waste rock later used to pave roads. The mine founded by William T. Wildman, circa 1851
Founded and active in the 1880's. 10 stamp mill and a 640' shaft. Re-opened 1921 till 1929. 20 stamp mill and a 2,291' incline shaft. Tailing dam north to Raley's. Produced $564,624 in gold.
Nearby Mines: South Jackson, Fern, Kearsling, Hubbard, Aetna an…
Founded in the 1860's as the Coney Mine, operated continuously from 1875-1914. Later sold to Kennedy. Incline shaft 1865' deep. Total production $5 million. Note powder house on road to the east.
Viewpoint: 50 yards west, Two of the richest gold mines in Amador County, both reached depths of over one mile. Worked until 1942. Kennedy produced $28.5 million, the Argonaut $ 25 million. Notice headframes west toward Highway 49 and tailing wheels to the …
The Massa Tunnel was dug in the 1850's on Massa Brothers' land. The tunnel extends 126' into the east vein of the Mother Lode. Little gold was found. The Kennedy Mine acquired the property in 1898. It and the Argonaut mined the richer west vein until 1942.
Founded in early 1850's by Alvinza Hayward, owner of the Badger and Wolverine Mines. Earned $65,000 a month, reaching a depth of 2,250 in late 1800's. Shaft sunk to 3,500 feet in 1916. In 1924 was purchased by Central Eureka Company. Closed in 1942 and reop…
Founded in 1851 as Amador #2. Renamed the Union Mine and finally the Lincoln Mine by new owner Leland Stanford. Worked until 1924, producing $2 million. Consolidated with Wildman- Mahoney Mines. Foundations and dump remain.
Founded in 1851 working continuously till 1893. Purchased by Keystone Company in 1920 and connected to it. Closed in 1942. Contained 3 shafts: South Spring Hill 1200', Tallisman 600', and Medean at 600' deep. Produced $1,092,472 from 1888-1902.Amador