Historical Marker Series

Virginia Civil War Trails

Page 17 of 61 — Showing results 161 to 170 of 605
Civil War relic collectors found Stuart's winter camp and skirmish site (shaded area of map) long before the Rio Hill Shopping Center opened in 1989. Metal detectors were used to search the area and artifacts—bullets, buttons, belt and harness buck…
This stairway leads up the west wall of Fort Ward between the Northwest Bastion (to the left) and the Southwest Bastion (to the right). Fort Ward had 14 cannon emplacements along this area of the wall that created overlapping fields of fire. Infantry soldie…
Judge Edward M. Spilman of the Fauquier County Circuit Court constructed this house in 1859-61. James Keith, who served in the Black Horse Cavalry and later became president of the Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia, acquired it in 1869. John Singleto…
For Gen. J.E.B. Stuart and his Confederatecavalry, the 1863 campaigns brought fewervictories against the improving cavalry corpsof the Union Army of the Potomac—that is,until October 19, 1863. Here on Chestnut Hill the wilyConfederate had set a tra…
After Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee's stunning victory at Chancellorsville in May 1863, he led the Army of Northern Virginia west to the Shenandoah Valley, then north through central Maryland and across the Mason-Dixon Line into Pennsylvania. Union Gen. Ge…
On May 21, 1862. Confederate Gen. Thomas J."Stonewall" Jackson's Valley Army plodded northalong this road to threaten Front Royal and outflank Union Gen. Nathaniel Bank's position at Strasburg. With the addition of Gen. Richard S.Ewell's division, Jackson's…
In September 1864, Union Gen. Philip H. Sheridan detached two cavalry divisions under Gen. Alfred T. A. Torbert to move into the Page Valley. While the bulk of Sheridan's army would strike Gen. Jubal A. Early's Confederates at Fisher's Hill, Torbert was to …
Directly in front of you is the "commanding height" where Union Col. John H. Kenly made his last attempt to hold Front Royal. Atop Richardson's Hill—this "cherty" ridge, asGen. Thomas J. "Stonewall" Jacksoncalled it—Kenly posted the two-gunsecti…
"Mosby will hang ten of you for every one of us!"were William Thomas Overby's last words to hisexecutioners before the rope tightened around hisneck here on Richardson's Hill. This was thefinal scene of a tragedy that began less than two hours earlier when …
Ashland in 1860 was a quiet, charming village. Its 150 residents lived in cottages on tree-lined streets. A fashionable hotel, a notable racecourse, and a famous mineral springs resort made Ashland a social center. Then came war. In the summer of 1861, h…
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