Historical Marker Series

Virginia Civil War Trails

Page 24 of 61 — Showing results 231 to 240 of 605
Nearly a month after the battle of Kernstown, Gen. Thomas J. "Stonewall" Jackson's command had worked its way south "up" the Valley to join Gen. Richard S. Ewell's division near Conrad's Store (Elkton). To secure this haven for reorganization, on April 19, …
Early in May 1862, Gen. Stonewall Jackson moved most of his army east over the Blue Ridge toward Charlottesville, leaving Gen. Richard S. Ewell's division at Conrad's Store (present day Elkton) to hold the Federals in the Shenandoah Valley. The Union comman…
Confederate cavalry chief Gen. J.E.B. Stuart and Maj. John Pelham, the commander of Stuart's Horse Artillery, frequented the Virginia House Hotel and often visited the Shackelford family across the street. A warm friendship developed between 24-year-old Pel…
Nearly three weeks after the Battle of Gettysburg, and in the wake of a sharp fight near Front Royal at Wapping Heights (Manassas Gap) on July 23, 1863, Confederate troops from Gen. Richard S. Ewell's corps withdrew to the Page Valley. On July 25, Gen. Robe…
In Aug. 1862, Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee ordered Gen. Thomas J. "Stonewall" Jackson from the Rappahannock River to keep Gen. John Pope's and Gen. George B. McClellan's armies from uniting. Jackson marched on Aug. 25, and Lee followed the next day with t…
In August 1862, Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee ordered Gen. Thomas J. "Stonewall" Jackson from the Rappahannock River to keep Gen. John Pope's and Gen. George B. McClellan's Union armies from uniting. Jackson marched on Aug. 25, and Lee followed the next da…
You are standing in the midst of the drilling and review grounds for Confederate soldiers between the summer of 1861 and March 1862. Former Baltimore mayor and future Maryland governor Thomas Swann, Jr. owned the 1,200-acre plantation but was absent. Confed…
Racing the pursuing Confederate cavalry for the safety of the Union lines at Petersburg after accomplishing most of its mission, Gen. James H. Wilson's command reached Ream's Station about 7 a.m. June 29. Two brigades of Gen. William Mahone's Confederate in…
In June 1864, to deny Gen. Robert E. Lee the use of the South Side R.R. and the Richmond and Danville R.R., Gen. Ulysses S. Grant sent Gen. James H. Wilson and Gen. August V. Kautz south of Petersburg on a cavalry raid to destroy track and rolling stock. Th…
Confederate Gen. Jubal A. Early attacked the defenses of Washington, D.C., in July 1864, then retreated to the Shenandoah Valley. Union Gen. Horatio G. Wright pursued him, and after a sharp fight and Confederate victory at Cool Spring on July 18, the two fo…
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