Historical Marker Series

Virginia Civil War Trails

Page 42 of 61 — Showing results 411 to 420 of 605
In the summer of 1862, Federal Gen. John Pope threatened to retaliate against Southern civilians who tried to thwart the efforts of his new army. The threats prompted Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee to issue Gen. Thomas J. "Stonewall" Jackson the somber orde…
"The promptness with which this unexpected attack was met and repulsed reflects great credit upon General Johnson and the officers and men of his division." — Gen. Robert E. Lee, CSA "The delay in the movements of the Third Corps, and, particularly…
"The brave officers and men of this division, attacked by a greatly superior force from an admirable position, turned upon him and drove him from the field, which he left strewn with arms, artillery and infantry ammunition, his dead and dying." — Gen.…
Samuel and Henrietta Ankers lived at this site during the Civil War. On the morning of February 22, 1864, just outside their front door, about 160 of Confederate Lt. Col. John Singleton Mosby's horsemen ambushed 150 of Union Capt. J. Sewall Reed's cavalryme…
On the afternoon of September 4, 1862, five days after the Confederate victory at the Second Battle of Manassas, throngs of well-wishers lined Leesburg's streets, including King Street behind you, to welcome the threadbare but jubilant Army of Northern Virg…
(Preface):After the Battle of Antietam in September 1862, Gen. Robert E. Lee's Army of Northern Virginia escaped to Virginia. President Abraham Lincoln repeatedly urged Union Gen. George B. McClellan to pursue and attack. Following a plan that Lincoln devis…
(Preface):After the Battle of Antietam in September 1862, Gen. Robert E. Lee's Army of Northern Virginia escaped to Virginia. President Abraham Lincoln repeatedly urged Union Gen. George B. McClellan to pursue and attack. Following a plan that Lincoln devis…
(Preface):After the Battle of Antietam in September 1862, Gen. Robert E. Lee's Army of Northern Virginia escaped to Virginia. President Abraham Lincoln repeatedly urged Union Gen. George B. McClellan to pursue and attack. Following a plan that Lincoln devis…
Historically Quaker and abolitionist Waterford decisively split with Loudoun County's pro-Confederate majority and rejected secession (220 votes to 31) in Virginia's May 1861 referendum. Many residents fled to Maryland as Southern troops occupied the town a…
On July 18, 1861, Gen. Irvin McDowell, the Union army commander, learned that the Confederate army had withdrawn from its Centreville earthworks to a strong defensive position behind Bull Run. McDowell ordered Gen. Daniel Tyler to reconnoiter the stream but…
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