Historical Marker Series

Virginia Civil War Trails

Page 43 of 61 — Showing results 421 to 430 of 605
By the early summer of 1861, Americans in both the North and South greeted the outbreak of war with patriotism and expectations of a quick decisive battle to end the conflict. In the North, the public clamored for immediate invasion to crush the rebellious …
(preface)On May 26, 1864, Union Gen. David Hunter marched south from Cedar Creek near Winchester to drive out Confederate forces, lay waste to the Shenandoah Valley, and destroy transportation facilities at Lynchburg. His raid was part of Gen. Ulysses S. Gr…
At different times, Union and Confederate forces occupied the Fairfax County Courthouse at this important crossroads. The flag of each side flew from its cupola during the war, and the building suffered damage.On April 25, 1861, the Fairfax Riflemen (CS) we…
"The ground in my front for about 500 yards was thickly wooded and brushy, and beyond that was a cleared field owned by a man named Payne." — Gen. Edward Johnson, CSA "On account of the density of the undergrowth in the woods and the absence of roa…
"There was a sudden commotion in the train ahead and several of the ambulances turned and came back in confusion. General [George H.] Steuart promptly ordered them back to their places, faced the brigade into line to the left and deployed skirmishers." &mda…
"Gen. [Edward] Johnson ? cheered us on to the fight with ?Hurrah for North Carolina, go it North Carolina—give it to them boys!' ? The Federals were as thick as black birds in our front." — Capt. Thomas Boone, 1st North Carolina Infantry, CSA …
"[It was] ? as warm a contest as this regiment was ever engaged in. ? It seemed as if the enemy was throwing minie-balls upon us by the bucket-full, when the battle got fairly under way." — Member of the 3rd North Carolina Infantry, CSA "It was tru…
"We gained a slight rise in the land behind an old worm fence. The enemy had fallen back under cover of a piece of woods well in our front. Soon they came out in splendid battle array, with waving banners, and charged our position. It was a desperate effort…
"We soon struck the Yankee skirmishers and drove them back through the woods to an open field, where we ran into French's entire corps and into about the hottest place that could be imagined." — Capt. William B. Colston, 2nd Virginia Infantry, CSA …
"Several efforts were made to charge the hostile line, but as these attempts were made by single brigades, without proper deliberation and without co-operation on the part of the other forces to the right and left, they naturally resulted in nothing but the…
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