Historical Marker Series

El Camino Real de los Tejas National Historic Trail

Page 3 of 4 — Showing results 21 to 30 of 37
At an elevation of 1340 feet, Comanche Hill is the fourth highest point in Bexas County. The hill lies on the southeastern edge of the Edwards Plateau and makes up the western edge of the Blackland Praire. Throughout history this site has provided a locatio…
First blazed in 1691 by Captain Don Domingo Teran De Los Rios, first provincial governor of Texas, in an expedition officially directed by Father Fray Damian Massanet O.F.M. apostolic missionary and explorer in Texas. The general route was northeast from th…
Great thoroughfare of pioneer Texas, stretching 1,000 miles from Saltillo, Mexico, to present Louisiana. The general route followed ancient Indian and buffalo trails, but the oldest marked portion, known as "Trail of the Padres", was blazed in 1691 under Do…
Pouring forth millions of gallons of clear, icy water daily, these springs feed the San Marcos River and the 1,380-square-mile area which it drains. The immense springs rise at the Balcones Escarpment, a geologic fault line which slices across the state, se…
Known officially as Villa de San Marcos de Neve. Established in 1807 by Mexican settlers. The population on January 6, 1808 was 81. A flood in 1808 and subsequent Indian raids led to its abandonment in 1812
At the request of Antonio Cordero, interim governor of the Province of Texas, Spanish-born Felipe Roque de la Portilla (1768?-1841) established a colony here on El Camino Real. With his own family of eight, he brought 51 persons from the interior of Mexico …
First established at the site of La Salle's Fort on Garcitas Creek, Victoria County, among the Coco, Cujanes, Karankawa and other Indian tribes in 1722. Moved to Mission Valley, Victoria County, on the Guadalupe River among the Jaranames and Tamiques in 172…
The Camino Real, also known as the Old San Antonio Road and the King's Highway, followed a route from Nacogdoches to the Rio Grande. Louis Juchereau de St. Denis (1676-1744) traveled the route to establish trade between the French in Louisiana and the Spani…
In 1813 royalist Lieutenant Colonel Ignacio Elizondo led 500 cavalrymen in pursuit of retreating Mexican and Anglo-American insurrectionists along this road. A hacienda owner in Coahuila, Elizondo initially joined Father Miguel Hidalgo's rebellion agains…
Traveled by St. Denis in 1714from Natchitoches to the Rio Grande Natchitoches, the oldest town in La.,was established in 1714