Historical Marker Series

Wisconsin: Wisconsin Historical Society

Page 51 of 54 — Showing results 501 to 510 of 538
On January 18, 1889, Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church was formally incorporated. The congregation consisted mostly of German Lutheran immigrants from the district of Saxon-Weimar-Eisenach who settled in the Jacksonport area. That spring the newly organized …
Wallis/Wallace Rowan (1800-1847) was born in Kentucky of Scotch Irish descent. He was a lead miner, trader, innkeeper, land speculator, farmer, and mill owner. In 1818 he married Elizabeth "Betsy" Metcalf in Illinois. By 1828 Rowan was in Blue Mounds, worki…
In 1829, citizens of the Green Bay area petitioned Congress to build a road to Chicago. Following an ancient Indian trail, the military road to connect Fort Howard at Green Bay with Fort Dearborn at Chicago was surveyed by the U.S. War Department in 1835. C…
During the last Wisconsin glaciation the advance of the Grantsburg sublobe blocked drainage, resulting in the formation of Glacial Lake Grantsburg. Natural succession eventually formed the extensive peat marshes known today as Crex Meadows. Prior to whit…
These docks, the largest in the world, consist of three structures of concrete and steel. The longest dock is 2244 feet long, 80 feet high, and contains 374 individual pockets which can hold 100,000 long tons of ore, or 7 average trains of 205 cars each. Or…
The Mecikalski Stovewood General Store is named for John Mecikalski, who emigrated from Prussia with his parents in the 1870s. John married and purchased land in Oneida County. Together, four Mecikalski brothers supplied valuable services during the heyday …
In the summer of 1933, military veterans in Company V-1680 of the Civilian Conservation Corps improved the banks of Allen Creek here, planted trees, and did soil conservation work on nearby farms. They camped at the old County Fair Grounds south of own. The…
Blackhawk Memorial Park is on the site of the Battle of Pecatonica, the first of three military engagements fought in present-day Wisconsin during the American-Indian conflict of 1832, known as the Black Hawk War. On June 16, 1832, following attacks on sett…
This is the oldest courthouse in Wisconsin. Construction started June 11, 1859. It was dedicated in 1861, enlarged in 1894 and again in 1927. In 1937 the Doric columns, pediment and cupola were restored exactly as the 1859 original. In 1969 the interior was…
In 1887, Professor Laurence F. Graber was born on a nearby Mineral Point farm about three miles southwest of this location. In 1910, he began his career as an agronomy instructor at the University of Wisconsin - Madison and was given the responsibility of i…