Texas 1936 Centennial Markers and Monuments
Page 23 of 23 — Showing results 221 to 229 of 229
Newton County. Formed from Jasper County Created April 22, 1846, Organized July 13, 1846. Named in honor of Sergeant John Newton 1752-1807 Hero of the American Revolution County seat, Newton, 1846 Burkeville, 1848 Newton, since 1853.
Site of the Town of Bevilport. . . Important river navigation point, . 1830-1860. Established by John . Bevil in whose honor the municipality . was first named in 1834 . with Bevilport as seat of justice. . A mail station in 1835. County . seat of Ja…
Three Miles South to the Grave of Elizabeth Crockett. . Three miles south to the grave of Elizabeth Crockett Wife of David Crockett, hero of the Alamo Died March 2, 1860 Age 74.
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Somervell County. . Named for Alexander Somervell (1796-1854), native of Maryland, veteran of the Battle of San Jacinto, Secretary of War under Texas President David G. Burnet; commanded the 1842 Somervell Expedition seeking to end Mexican invasions of Texa…
Fort Richardson. . Established November 26, 1867 by the United States Army to defend the frontier against the Indians. A mail station on the Butterfield Overland Stage Line 1858-1861. Abandoned as a military post May 23, 1878.
Wood County. . Created February 5, 1850 Organized August 5, 1850 Named in Honor of George T. Wood 1815-1856 Member of the Congress of the Republic of Texas An officer in the Mexican War Governor of Texas 1847-1849 Quitman, the county…
Terrell County. . Formed from Pecos County Created Organized April 8,1905 September 19, 1905 Named in honor of Alexander Watkins Terrell 1827-1912 A distinguished officer in the Confederate Army Member of the Texas Legislature fo…
Rains County. . Formed from Wood, Hopkins, Hunt and Van Zandt counties Created June 9, 1870 Organized December 1, 1870 Named in honor of Emory Rains 1800-1878 Member of the Texas Congress and Legislature Emory, the county seat .
Site of New Kentucky. . . Established before 1831. A thriving . town until its trade was captured . by the present city of Houston, . established 30 miles away in 1836. . Abandoned about 1840.
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