Pony Express National Historic Trail
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This statue commemorates the glory of The Pony Express, which started here at 2:46a.m. on April 4,1860, when Sam Hamilton galloped into a blinding rainstorm on the first lap of the 1,966 mile trip to St. Joseph, Missouri. During its 18-month existence, its …
1861 ** 1961120 celebrated riders rode 650,000 miles with only one rider killed by Indians, one schedule not completed and one mail pouch lost.
This structure, erected in 1852-53, was occupied during the 1850's by the B.F. Hastings Bank, Wells Fargo and Co., Various state officials, Sacramento Valley Railroad, and the Alta Telegraph Co. during April 1860-May 1861. The Alta Telegraph Co. and its suc…
Founded in December 1848 by John A. Sutter, Jr., Sacramento was an outgrowth of Sutter's Fort established by his father, Captain John A. Sutter, in 1839. State Capital since 1854, it was a major distribution point during the Gold Rush. A commercial and agri…
Trading post, emigrant stop, and mining camp of the 1850's. This became one of the remount stations of the Central Overland Pony Express. Here at the Nevada House on April 13, 1860, pony rider William (Sam) Hamilton changed horses while carrying the first w…
At this site on the old Clarksville-White Rock Emigrant Road was Mormon Tavern. Constructed in 1849, this popular stage stop was enlarged and operated by Franklin Winchell in 1851. It became a remount station of the Central Overland Pony Express and on Apri…
This was the site of Webster's Sugar Loaf House, well-known stopping place during the Comstock rush. Beginning in April 1860, it was used as a remount station of the Central Overland Pony Express. In 1861 it became a horse change station for pioneer stage c…
The Pony Express Trail passed four miles north of Austin through Jacobsville, Simpson's Park and Dry Creek Station. During the Paiute Indian War the stations were burned and two station tenders at Dry Creek were killed and buried there.
Erected by the N…
[Front of Marker]ST.GEORGE HOTELDedicated March 19, 2005SACRAMENTOByJames StreetskyFirst Northern BankThe Firehouse RestaurantRotary Club of SacramentoBurnett & Sons Planing Milland Lumber Co. - Since 1869Sacramento MetropolitanChamber of CommercePony Expre…
[Front of Marker]Dedicated April 13, 2000SACRAMENTObyJames StreteskyGeorge E. Kuchler FamilyRotary Club of SacramentoBurnett & Sons Planing Mill and Lumber Co - Since 1869Sacramento Traditional Jazz SocietySacramento Metro Chamber of CommercePony Express Tr…