Historical Marker Series

Markers Attached to Sculpture

Page 17 of 94 — Showing results 161 to 170 of 933
Is the first park developed specifically to honor Ohio's public educators. It was created by members and friends of the State Teachers Retirement System of Ohio as part of the system's 80th anniversary celebration. Included in the park are the names of thou…
In honor of the boys from Ross County who gave their lives in the service of their country 1917 - 1919 Allen, Albert F. · Bitzer, Russell · Bollinger, Albert · Bower, Donald B. · Brown, Edward B. · Brown, Elmer G. &midd…
Governor of New Sweden1643 - - - 1653Printz founded here the first permanent European settlement. Built the first Capitol, church, law court. His instructions from Queen Christina became the first constitution and his coat of arms the first legal seal in wh…
Whose first act upon landing in the New World, on October 12, 1492 was to give thanks to God for safe deliverance. Presented to the City of Chester in the year of our Lord 1955 by the Italian-American Associations and citizens of Chester and vicinity.
Since statehood, the people of California have sought and cherished a quality of life unsurpassed in this great nation. There have been among us those who chose to serve as peace officers and when called upon unselfishly gave more than we have the right to …
Dedicated to the Memory ofFather Junipero Serra1713 - 1784the first Franciscan missionaryto whom California owes aneverlasting tribute - he broughtcivilization to our land and in deedand character he deserves a foremostplace in the history of our state
Citizen, Soldier,Educator,Servant of Christ.Born Feb. 11, 1843Died Sept. 3, 1899.President ofErskine Collegefrom 1871 to 1899.His service ismeasured not byyears but by results.He still lives inhundreds of usefullives to which hegave inspirationand guidance …
Honoring men and women of uncommon courage who paid the ultimate price to protect our lives, our families and our dreams
During the Gold Rush Days of 1857, the Sisters of Mercy came to Sacramento to care for the children of the miners and to serve the sick and the homeless. In those early days, the Sisters purchased land in the heart of the city to build a school. Passage …
This sculpture commemorates the 150th anniversary of the Sisters of Mercy caring for those in need to the greater Sacramento region. Mary Baptist Russell, California Foundress of the Sisters of Mercy, is depicted here as a woman of vision, courage and compa…
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