Historical Marker Series

Markers Attached to Sculpture

Page 41 of 94 — Showing results 401 to 410 of 933
[north face:] To General Lafayette and his Compatriots 1777 - 1783[south face:] By the Congress in commemoration of the services rendered by General Lafayette and his Compatriots during the struggle for the Independence of the United States of Ame…
Samuel Francis Du Pont, United States Navy, 1803 - 1865 This memorial fountain replaces a statue erected by the Congress of the United States in recognition of his distinguished services.
George WashingtonKneeling in PrayerbyDonald DeLueErected in Commemorationof theFiftieth Anniversaryof theGeorge WashingtonMemorial ParkCemetery Association1939 - 1989
Statue ErectedbyDaughters of the American Revolutionin Memory of Soldiers of the War for Independencewho are buried in Vermilion County.William Adams · David Baird · Jacob Gundy · Hugh King · Thomas Morton · Joseph Coughra…
Built in 1705, as a triple stockade. Rebuilt in 1735, on heavy hewn timbers set on stone wall ten feet high. Fort was one hundred feet square, with blockhouse at each corner, twenty four feet square and twenty feet high. Was capable of holding three hundred…
[ inscription on the granite base ] Erected By The People Of RocklandCounty In Grateful AppreciationOf The Noble Sacrifice Of TheseSons And Daughters Who Gave Their Lives In The World War 1914-1918 Greater Love Hath No Man Than This, ThatA Man Lay Down His…
[ on the front (south face) of pedestal :] Alexander Hamilton1757-1804First Secretary of the TreasurySoldier, Orator, StatesmanChampion of Constitutional Union, Representative Government and National Integrity [ on the reverse (north face) of pedes…
In honor ofAll American Veteranswho, although separated by generations,share a common undeniable goal,to valiantly protect and defendour country's freedoms. The American Veteran isforever the symbol of heroism,sacrifice, loyalty and freedom.
Dedicated to Ira H. Hayes USMCFebruary 23rd 1992by the Memorial Committee Lance Lewis Director, Shirley Lewis CoordinatorJR Currea Artist In Country Vietnam VeteransPost 2 Tempe ArizonaIra H. Hayes American LegionPost 84, Sacaton Arizona
[north face :] Erected by the Congress of the United States to Frederick William Aug- ustus Henry Ferdinand Baron von Steuben in grateful recognition of his services to the American people in their struggle for liberty. Born in Prussia September 17, 17…
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