Historical Marker Series

Markers Attached to Sculpture

Page 55 of 94 — Showing results 541 to 550 of 933
In memory of Colonel William Crawford, born in Berkeley County, Virginia, in 1732. Friend of Washington —pioneer — patriot. This monument is situated 1260 yards S. 69 E. 16' of the spot where he built his log cabin in 1765 on the west bank of th…
Acacia Life Insurance Building - 1936 On March 3, 1869, President Andrew Johnson signed the Congressional Act charteringThe Masonic Mutual Relief Association thatbecame Acacia Life Insurance Company. Built as its headquarters and occupied by Acacia until…
Rough Rider, mining engineer, developer of the Ajo copper mines and designer of the town of Ajo for Calumet and Arizona Mining Co., Brigadier General, Army Reserve, and Regent, University of Arizona.The other original casting, representing Arizona, is locat…
Commemorating the service of the 1st and 3rd Mississippi Infantry Regiments, African Descent and all Mississippians of African descent who participated in the Vicksburg Campaign.
Erected to the memory of the heroic dead of the 54th Regiment, Pennsylvania Veterans Volunteer Infantry, who gave their lives in defence of their country. 1861-1865. (brass tablet at base) At ceremonies conducted 16 September 1984, title to this monument…
[Top Panel]The Battle of Henry Johnson First American AwardedCroix De GuerrewithGold PalmForValor[Center Panel]In Memory of Sergeant Henry Lincoln Johnson Albany, New York for uncommon valor in combat against an armed enemy May 14th, 1918 while serving w…
The Teacher, by sculptor Casey Eskridge, honors the native Potawatomi and Miami tribes who fished the Tippecanoe River. This bronze was sponsored by the Pulaski County Historical Society and funded through the Pulaski County Community Foundation. Sculptu…
This statue was dedicated in 1923 to commemorate Caesar Rodney's ride to Philadelphia, July 1-2, 1776. Despite ill health, Rodney rode through thunder and rain to cast the deciding vote in the Delaware delegation for independence.
This bronze sculpture was commissioned by the city and borough of Juneau during its centennial anniversary year, and is dedicated to the mine whose work provided the lifeblood of Juneau during it first six decades. In the late 1800's, compressed - air ma…
Craig County farm boy Add Caldwellwalked 26 miles to enroll here in 1872as the first student. The popular cadetmajored in agriculture and worked as ateacher, clerk, and salesman before hisdeath in 1910. Donated by the Class of 1956Sculpture by Lawrence R…
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