Historical Marker Series

Markers Attached to Sculpture

Page 65 of 94 — Showing results 641 to 650 of 933
Richard Williams was born in Tennessee in 1830, son of Judge Arthur Williams. As a young man, Richard came to Johnson County in the 1850s, employed as a surveyor by the U.S. government. During the 1850s and early 1860s, Dick Williams was a "wagonmaster", es…
Recognizes the extraordinary sacrifices of ordinary citizens - men and women of Douglas County, Kansas who gave their lives to protect freedom, our community and our way of life. It stands as an eternal symbol of hope, renewal and the indomitable human spir…
In honor of those whoserved in the World Warin defense of libertyand our country
Builder of RailroadsPioneer in the Developmentof the Resources ofSouth Mississippi Founder of the Cities ofHattiesburg and Gulfport A DreamerWhose dreams Came True
[North]:Capitol ComplexDedicated toRobert Evander McNairGovernorOf South Carolina1965-1971This Complex was Conceivedand Planned During HisAdministration "South Carolinians have a specialfeeling for this complex whichtranscends the ages and generations."R…
[Northeast Base]:Inscription:The Most DistinguishedSouth Carolinianof His TimePlaqueErected in Grateful Appreciation ofJames F. ByrnesBy His Friends inHis Native State and Nation Executive CommitteeJames Penet Hammond, ChairmanW. Heyward Clarkson, Jr., V…
[West Plaque]:Spanish War Veterans Insignia[South Plaque]:South Carolina Troopsin the Spanish-American WarFirst South Carolina Volunteer InfantrySecond South Carolina Volunteer InfantryAnderson's Battery Heavy ArtillerySouth Carolina Naval Militia—&md…
This tribute represents the spirit of the Navajo Code Talkers, a group of more than 400 U.S. Marines who bravely served their country during World War II. Their mission: to utilize the Navajo language in the creation of an unbreakable secret code. Betwee…
"The midnight sky and the silent stars have been the witness of your devotion to freedom and of your heroism," wrote fellow abolitionist and Eastern Shore native Frederick Douglass of Harriet Tubman. A Civil War nurse, scout, spy, military strategist and ea…
About the Navajo Code TalkersDuring World War II the Japanese possessed the ability to break almost any American military code. Over 400 Navajos, with 29 being the original Navajo Code Talkers, stepped forward and developed the most significant and successf…
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