Historical Marker Series

Markers Attached to Sculpture

Page 80 of 94 — Showing results 791 to 800 of 933
[Inscriptions, east face:] "Respect for the rights of others is peace"Benito Ju?rez1806-1872The people of Mexico to the peopleof the United States of America El respeto al derecho ajen es la pazBenito Ju?rez1806-1872El pueblo de Mexico al pueblode lo…
[south face of pedestal] Sim?n Bol?varThe Liberator Born July 24, 1783Caracas, Venezuela Died December 17, 1830Santa Marta, Colombia [east face of pedestal]The Republic of Venezuela to the United States of America 1958[west face of pedestal]Liber…
Born Bradford, Vermont August 10, 1843 Died Long Beach California Oct. 1. 1922Entered Annapolis Naval Academy Sept. 29, 1860With Farragut Battle Mobile Bay Aug 5, 1864Race of U.S.S. Oregon from California to Florida Mar. 16-May 26, 1898Battle at Santiago C…
In commemoration of the services of the services of the Soldiers of Haverhill in the Wars of the Country
(West Side)To the Memory ofOur Fallen Heroes1861 - 1865Erected May 30th, 1884 (South Side)FranklinPitssburg Landing (sic)Nashville (East Side)AtlantaMission RidgeVicksburg (North Side)GettysburgMalvern HillAppomatox (sic)
[Panel 1]Immortalized by author Zane Grey in his book, "The Last of the Plainsmen," is listed in the National Archives as one of the "Preservers of the American Bison," and his colorful, many-faceted career spanned several continents. Born January 31, 18…
Great Warrior and friend of the white man, embraced Christianity, died at the age of 122. Known as Aspinquid-The Indian Saint. Great Council of Massachusetts Improved Order of Red Men. This Monument was Renovated by the Students from 'The Metal Fabricati…
[Inscription on south face of pedestal:] LibertadorGeneral Jos? de San Mart?n [Inscriptions on two panels in the south side of base:] Homenaje al LibertadorGeneral D. Jos? de San Mart?ndel Presidente de la Nacion ArgentinaDr. Carlos Saul Menemen o…
The Navy's SSBN (Nuclear Powered Ballistic MissileSubmarine) force enjoyed a unique relationship withCharleston. Operating from here with other submarines-the SS's (Diesel powered subs) and SSN's(Nuclear powered subs), these SSBN's, each with a BlueCrew and…
A tribute to the enslaved who sought a new life of freedom in Canada and to the local volunteers who help them on their journey to cross the Niagara River. Lewiston, New YorkThe underground railroad was a secret network of trails and safe homes that ensl…
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