Historical Marker Series

Markers Attached to Sculpture

Page 85 of 94 — Showing results 841 to 850 of 933
Skagway was originally spelled S-K-A-G-U-A, a Tlingit Indian word for "windy place." The first people in the area were Tlingits from the Chilkoot and Chilkat villages in the Haines-Klukwan area. From a fish camp in nearby Dyea, they used the Chilloot Trail …
Cast by the Borbedine Foundry in Paris which made the Statue of Liberty
Founder of Overland Park1906 Sculpture by Kwan Wu Dedicated May 20, 2006
Erected to the memory ofJohn Brownby a grateful people
Zur Erinnerung an die Ankunft des Malers 1505 in Wittenberg Frijo Müller-Belecke, Hemmoor Bildhauerlehrling 1948 im Cranach-Hof Wittenberg Bronze, 2005 —————————— To commemorate the arrival…
Symbols and Meanings Backpack with HeartsContains forgotten words and meanings of the Ulster Scots tongue. Heart 1Represents the heart of the land and the soul of the place. Heart 2Represents the heart of the people, the spirit of the language. …
Born at the Ch?teau de Chavaniac Auvergne, France, on September 6, 1757, Gilbert Motter De Lafayette became at age 19 a Major General on Georgia Washington's staff. He Played a vital role in the defeat of GeneralCharles Cornwallis at Yorktown, October 19,17…
The statue of Ronald Wilson Reagan, 40th President of the United States from 1981-1989, is located northeast of this location at the driving entrance to Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport. In 1987, President Reagan's Secretary of Transportation El…
Erected by the State of Californiain memory ofJames W. Marshall1810 - 1885Whose discovery of goldJanuary 24, 1848in the tailrace of Sutter's Mill at Colomastarted the great rush of Argonauts.
Lisner Auditorium was built in 1946, boasting the biggest stage south of New York City. On its opening night, October 29, 1946, the famed 29 year-old actress Ingrid Bergman was starring in Joan of Lorraine. When Ms. Bergman found out that African-Americans …
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