Historical Marker Series

Battlefield Markers Association

Showing results 1 to 10 of 23
May 23, 1862, General Jackson surprised General Banks' forces in and around Front Royal, capturing many prisoners and army supplies and forcing Banks to flee in disorder out of the Shenandoah Valley into Maryland. This was the first move in Jackson's celebr…
May 25, 1862 between Confederates under Brig. Gen. T.J. "Stonewall" Jackson and the Federals under Maj. Gen. N.P. Banks began just south of this site. The Federals were driven in retreat through Winchester's streets with loss of stores and many prisoners. …
Was fought here Sunday, March 23, 1862 Confederates under Gen. T.J. "Stonewall" Jackson attacked Federals under Gen. James Shields. The fighting was chiefly west of the road and continued from early afternoon until nightfall. When Jackson retired with&mdash…
June 13-15, 1863 took place during Gen. Lee's advance to Gettysburg between Confederates under Gen. Ewell and Federals under Gen. Milroy. The Federals occupied positions on the hills north and west of Winchester now called Milroys and Star Forts from which …
Fought on these hills and fields, Oct 19, 1864. Gen. Jubal A. Early's 22,000 Confederates attacked Gen. Philip H. Sheridan's 60,000 Federals. The first assault a surprise flank movement by Gen. John B. Gordon, was a Confederate success. This advantage not b…
of May 3, 4, 1863 fought by Lee and Hooker concluded the Chancellorsville Campaign here. The followers of Lee, in imperishable bronze respond to the noble sentiment of the followers of Grant and pay highest tribute to the patriotism of both.Erected by theFr…
May 12 - 18, 1864, between the armies of Lee and Grant is unmatched for its display of unyielding heroism and devotion to duty and principle. Here thousands of valorous men, fighting with bayonets and clubbed muskets, wrote their imperishable epitaph.
Here, June 8, 1862, Gen. J. C. Fremont—pursuing Gen. T. J. "Stonewall" Jackson—was checked by Gen. R. S. Ewell with part of Jackson's army, which lay towards Port Republic. Federals engaged: 12,750, killed and wounded: 684. Confederates engaged:…
Was fought on these bluffs- September 22, 1864 - Gen. Philip H. Sheridan's 60,000 Federalsattacked Gen. Jubal A. Early's 18,000Confederates. Through the advantage ofoverwhelming numbers, the Federalswon the victory.
Here on June 5, 1864, was fought the Battle of Piedmont for the possession of Staunton. Union Forces under Gen. David Hunter 12,015 men and suffered a loss of 130 killed and 650 wounded. Confederate forces numbering 5,600 men under Gen. W.E.Jones defeate…