General Casimir Pulaski

General Casimir Pulaski (HM15GA)

Location: Baltimore, MD 21224
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N 39° 17.22', W 76° 34.614'

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Casimir Pulaski (Kazimierz Pulaski) was born in the late 1740's in Warsaw, Poland. In his native country he fought against Imperial Russia, winning fame and respect for his brilliant and daring attacks on the Russian forces attacking his country.

With recommendations from Benjamin Franklin and the Marquis de Lafayette, in 1777 Pulaski joined the American War for Independence. On September 15, 1777, he was commissioned a Brigadier General and made "Commander of the Horse." He is considered the "Father of the American Cavalry." At largely his own expense, he formed an independent cavalry and infantry corps in Baltimore, known as that time as ?Pulaski's Legion." While leading a cavalry charge against the British at Savannah, Georgia, he was mortally wounded on October 14, 1779.

In 1929, the Pulaski Monument Committee commissioned architect A.C. Radziszewski and sculptor Hans Schuler to design a monument depicting Pulaski leading his final cavalry charge. On October 14, 1951, the completed monument was dedicated.

In 2001, for its 50th anniversary, under the leadership of the Pulaski Monument Restoration Committee, Polish Legion of American Veterans General Casimir Pulaski Post 209, the Baltimore City Commission for Historical and Architectural Preservation, Department of Recreation and Parks, and the Friends of Patterson Park, the monument was restored and rededicated.

While visiting Bethlehem, PA, Pulaski received a silken banner made by Moravian nuns. This is one of the first instances that the US abbreviation was used. Image courtesy of the Maryland Historical Society.

Pulaski Monument Restoration Committee, Sponsor Sheila Dixon, Mayor

HM NumberHM15GA
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Thursday, September 11th, 2014 at 10:38pm PDT -07:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)18S E 364003 N 4349811
Decimal Degrees39.28700000, -76.57690000
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 39° 17.22', W 76° 34.614'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds39° 17' 13.20" N, 76° 34' 36.84" W
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Area Code(s)410
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 2800-2818 Eastern Ave, Baltimore MD 21224, US
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