[The arch way leading to the grounds is flanked by two markers:]
Right Marker:
Dom?nguez Ranch HouseCentral portion built in 1826 by Manuel Dom?nguez.
Rancho San PedroTen square leagues granted, provisionally by Governor Fages to Juan Jos? Dom?nguez in 1784. Regranted by Governor Sola to Crist?bal Dom?nguez in 1822.
Battle of Dom?nguez RanchFought on this rancho October 8 & 9, 1846, when Californians led by Jos? Antonio Carrillo repelled United States forces under Captain William Mervine, U.S. Navy, in an attempt to recapture the Pueblo of Los Angeles.
Left Marker:
United States Department of the InteriorIn the bicentennial year of the independence of this country, and and on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the building of his home by Manuel Dom?nguez, the Dom?nguez Ranch Adobe, because of its distinctive architecture and unique history as the homestead of the Rancho San Pedro, has been placed on the National Register of Historic Landmarks by the National Park Service as provided for by Congress in the Historic Preservation Act of 1966.
Approved in Washington D.C. on May 28, 1976.
Plaque unveiled September 12, 1976 upon the completion pf the restoration of the homestead.
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