Ritter Palace

Ritter Palace (HM1A4Z)

Location: Lucerne, LU 6003 Luzern
Country: Switzerland
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N 47° 3.034', E 8° 18.267'

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Ritterscher Palast

Als Wohnsitz f?r Schultheiss Lux Ritter von Domenico Solbiolo aus Ponte Caprisca entworfen und unter der Leitung von Pietro del Grilio aus Lugano 1556 - 1564 erbaut. Nach dem Tode Ritters sorgte der Rat f?r die Vollendung des Renaissancebaus und ?bergab ihn 1577 den Jesuiten als Wohnung, die 1695 den westlichen und 1756 - 1757 den tlichen Kollegiumstrakt bis zur Kirche anf?gten.
Nach Aufhebung der Jesuitenniederlassung 1773 Professorenkonvikt, seit 1804 Regierungsgeb?ude. 1841 - 1843 wurde der halbrunde Grossratssaal in klassizistischem Stil durch Melchior Berri angebaut.
Der bemerkenswerte Arkadeninnenhof birgt im dritten Geschoss dem um 1615 von Jakob von Wyl gemalten Totentanzzyklus.
Unter Denkmalschutz seit 1963, restauriert 1984 - 1986.

German-English translation:

Ritter Palace

Built 1556-1564 as a residence for mayor Lux Ritter by Domenico Solbiolo from Ponte Caprisca, and designed by Pietro del Grilio from Lugano. After the death of Ritter, the Council was responsible for the completion of the Renaissance building and handed it over to the Jesuits in 1577 as a residence, who added a western wing in 1695, and in 1756-57 added the eastern wing leading to the church.

After the dissolution of the Jesuit order in 1773, the building became a collegiate seminary, and has been a government building since 1804. In 1841-1843 a semicircular grand council chamber was built in the neoclassical style by Melchior Berri.

The arcaded courtyard holds, on the third floor, the striking Dance of Death painted around 1615 by Jakob von Wyl.

Historical monument since 1963, restored 1984-1986.
HM NumberHM1A4Z
Placed ByStadt der Luzern (City of Lucerne)
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Friday, October 24th, 2014 at 7:22am PDT -07:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)32T E 447170 N 5211018
Decimal Degrees47.05056667, 8.30445000
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 47° 3.034', E 8° 18.267'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds47° 3' 2.04" N, 8° 18' 16.02" E
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Area Code(s)785
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 16 Bahnhofstrasse, Lucerne LU 6003, CH
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