
Metzgerrainli (HM19YT)

Location: Lucerne, LU 6004 Luzern
Country: Switzerland
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N 47° 3.101', E 8° 18.268'

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Das westliche Metzgerrainli bildete fr?her einen Zweig der Kramgasse, geh?rte somit zum ?ltesten Marktbereich der Stadt. Am Ende der tlichen Fortsetzung, an der Fischerstatt, war der Zugang zur st?dtischen Metzg, die 1479 - 1874 an der Reuss lag. Von daher leitet sich der im 17. Jahrhundert entstandene Name ab. Anschliessend an die Metzg befand sich bis 1548 die st?dtische Sinne, von der aus der grosse Weinumschlag der Stadt und der Urkantone kontrolliert und verzollt wurde. Daruber hatten seit 1429 die Sch?tzen ihre Trinkstube.


An der Ecke dieses Hauses zum Fischmarkt (heute Weinmarkt) soll im 12./13. Jahrhundert das Raubhaus gestanden haben, ein Amtshaus der Klosterherrschaft Marbach/Luzern, wo man die Abgaben einsammelte. Um 1300 geh?rte es den Herz?gen von terreich. Hier war auch die erst um 1853 entfernte Laube, von welcher die Gerichtsurteile verk?ndet wurden. Im 14. Jahrhundert ben?tzten lombardische Geldwechsler das Haus, weshalb es Kawerschenhaus hiess. 1417 - 1848 war es Amtshaus der Stadtschreiber. Nach 1505 baut es der Apotheker Konrad Klauser auswendig aus. Teile dieser Ausstatung sind heute im Schweizerischen Landesmuseum Z?rich. 1740 ?bernahmen die Corraggioni d'Orelli die Apotheke und liessen 1827 und 1830 das Haus umbauen.
Unter Denkmalschutz seit 1964, restauriert 1975-1976

German-English translation:


The western Metzgerrainli once formed a branch of the Kram Alley, making it part of the oldest commercial area of the city. Situated at the end of the eastern extension of the fish market, it provided access to municipal meat market, which from 1479-1874 was located on the bank of the Reuss River. Hence the resulting name, from the 17th Century onwards. In addition, until 1548 the municipal office in charge of inspecting and taxing wines from the surrounding regions was located here. And since 1429, the city guards had their tap room here.

Corraggioni House

The corner of the House at the Fish Market (today's wine market) was said to have been the site of the "Theft" House, a facility belonging to Marbach/Luzern monastery where levies were collected during the 12th and 13th Centuries. By 1300 the site was under the ownership of the Dukes of Austria. From 1853 it was also a site from which judicial decisions were announced. In the 14th century the house was occupied by Lombard moneychangers, which is why it was called "Kawerschen" House. From 1417-1848 it was the office of the City Recorder. Sometime after 1505 the pharmacist Konrad Klauser had the building completely renovated. Portions of the building from then are now preserved in the Swiss National Museum in Zurich. In 1740 the Corraggioni d'Orelli family took over the pharmacy, and had the house rebuilt in 1827 and 1830.A listed monument since 1964, restored 1975-1976.
HM NumberHM19YT
Placed ByStadt der Luzern (City of Lucerne)
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Friday, October 24th, 2014 at 6:01am PDT -07:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)32T E 447172 N 5211142
Decimal Degrees47.05168333, 8.30446667
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 47° 3.101', E 8° 18.268'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds47° 3' 6.06" N, 8° 18' 16.08" E
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Area Code(s)570
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 9 Metzgerrainle, Lucerne LU 6004, CH
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