The Old Armory

The Old Armory (HM1A5C)

Location: Lucerne, LU 6003 Luzern
Country: Switzerland
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N 47° 3.071', E 8° 18.117'

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Altes Zeughaus

— (Seit 1986 Historisches Museum / Historical Museum since 1986) —

Das Werkhaus an der Spreuerbr?cke diente seit 1472 als Zeughaus. Diesen ein Kornmagazin eingerichtet war. 1566 wurde das Haus weggeschwemmt. 1567 - 1569 entstand das heutige Geb?ude als Zeughaus, in der Art typischer, sp?tgotischer Magazinbauten.
Unter Denkmalschutz seit 1963
Restauriert 1977 - 1978
1547 entstand der Zeughausbrunnen. Das heutige Brunnenbecken datiert von 1739, die S?ule und Wildmannfigur (in Kopie erneuert) von 1678.

German-English translation:

The Old Armory

Built as a grain warehouse, this building by the Spreuer Bridge has served as an armory since 1472. In 1566 the building was washed away. In 1567-1569 the present building was built as an armory, in the manner typical of a late Gothic warehouses.

A listed monument since 1963.

Restored 1977-1978.

The armory fountain was installed in 1547. The present fountain basin dates from 1739, and the column and wild man figure (since replaced with a replica) date from 1678.
HM NumberHM1A5C
Placed ByStadt der Luzern (City of Lucerne)
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Monday, September 8th, 2014 at 11:05pm PDT -07:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)32T E 446981 N 5211088
Decimal Degrees47.05118333, 8.30195000
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 47° 3.071', E 8° 18.117'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds47° 3' 4.26" N, 8° 18' 7.02" E
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Area Code(s)859
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 24 Pfistergasse, Lucerne LU 6003, CH
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