Lower- or Basel-Gate

Lower- or Basel-Gate (HM1A5V)

Location: Lucerne, LU 6003 Luzern
Country: Switzerland
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N 47° 3.082', E 8° 18.08'

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Niedertor oder Baslertor

Stadttor mit Haberturm an der Ausfallstrasse Richtung Basel. 1297 erstmals erw?hnt, 1743 - 1744 mit einem Vorwerk versehen, 1862 abgebrochen. In unmittelbarer N?he standen die Zollst?tte, der Judenturm (1771 abgebrochen), der << Herrenkeller >> und das Zeughaus (heute Historisches Museum). S?dw?rts setzte sich die 300m lange Litzimauer als Teil der Stadtbefestigung fort. Sie f?hrte den Hirschengraben entlang zum Kesselturm und wurde 1856 - 1858 abgetragen.

German-English translation:
Lower Gate
or Basel Gate

This city gate with defensive tower guards the exit road towards Basel. First mentioned in 1297, and outfitted with a barbican, 1743-1744, which was demolished in 1862. In the immediate vicinity were the toll house, the Jewish Tower (demolished in 1771), the Herrenkeller (Lords Cellar), and the armory (now the Historical Museum). The 300 meter long "Litzi" wall ran southwards as part of the city fortifications. The "Stags" moat ran along the wall as fas as the tower, and was filled in, 1856-1858.
HM NumberHM1A5V
Placed ByStadt der Luzern (City of Lucerne)
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Tuesday, September 23rd, 2014 at 11:18am PDT -07:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)32T E 446934 N 5211109
Decimal Degrees47.05136667, 8.30133333
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 47° 3.082', E 8° 18.08'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds47° 3' 4.92" N, 8° 18' 4.80" E
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Area Code(s)803
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 26 Pfistergasse, Lucerne LU 6003, CH
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