General Ranald Slidell MacKenzie

General Ranald Slidell MacKenzie (HM1PSX)

Location: Plainview, TX 79072 Hale County
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N 34° 11.086', W 101° 42.162'

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The Old MacKenzie Trail

— By "Larry" Chittendon —

Stretching onward toward the sunset, o'er prairie, hill and vale, far beyond the double mountains winds the Old MacKenzie Trail.
Ah, what thoughts and border memories does that dreaming trail suggest; thoughts of travelers gone forever to the twilight realms of rest.
Where are now the scouts and soldiers, and those wagon trains of care, those grim men and haggard women and the echoes whisper - - where?
Ah, what tales of joy and sorrows could that silent trail relate; tales of loss, and wrecked ambitions, tales of hope, of love, and hate:
Tales of hunger, thirst, and anguish tales of skulking Indian braves, tales of fear, and death, and danger, tales of lonely prairie graves.
Where are now that trail's processions, winding westward sure and slow; Lost: ah, yes; destroyed progress, gone to realms of long ago.
Nevermore shall bold MacKenzie, with his brave and dauntless band, guide the restless, roving settlers through the Texas borderland.
Yes, that soldier's work is over, and the dim trail rests at last, but his name and trail still lead us through the borders of the past.
The MacKenzie Trail first crossed by General Ranald Slidell MacKenzie, 4th United States Cavalry, in 1871 in quest of warring bands of Indians.
Marker Number5389
Year Placed1936
Placed ByState of Texas
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Saturday, December 5th, 2015 at 1:02pm PST -08:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)14S E 250918 N 3785945
Decimal Degrees34.18476667, -101.70270000
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 34° 11.086', W 101° 42.162'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds34° 11' 5.16" N, 101° 42' 9.72" W
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Area Code(s)806
Which side of the road?Marker is on the right when traveling West
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 101-131 US-70, Plainview TX 79072, US
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