(north side)
On this bend of the Tallapoosa River, stretching out before you, lay one of the ancient towns of the Muscogee Creek People, called Tukabatchee. Tukabatchee is one of the original four mother towns of the Creek Confederacy capitals in the Upper Creek region on the Tallapoosa River. In the fall of 1811, Tecumseh of Creek and Shawnee ancestry came here to his mother's town to persuade the Nation's warriors to adopt his ideas of rejection of the presence of American intruders and return to traditional ways. Tecumseh's visit to Tukabatchee represents the beginning of a series of events that resulted in the Creek War. Tecumseh addressed the Nation gathered here and gave his war speech where he persuaded some Upper Creek warriors to take the war talk against the intruders. The Creek Confederacy was not totally unified in this nativistic movement which led to the Creeks fighting each other causing the Creek Civil War of 1813-1814.
(south side)
Heyvn ekvn-fvske Tvlvposv Hvcce konhat cehomvn wakkvnomat. Etvlwv esteMuskokvlke vcule-mahe Tokvpvcce Tvlvposv hocefhoyv-tes. Tokvpvcce en-hvteceskv etvlwvlke omofvn ecke ostat vpvket omvtes. Tvlvposv Hvcce afopke apokofvn, Mvskoke etvlwvlke etohkvlke onvpv vpokat Tokvpvcce 'svhvlwat omvtes.Orolope, cokpe rakko hvmken cokpe cenvpaken hvmkvntvlaken, rvfohakof. Tekvmse hocefket, esteMvskokvlke mon Sawvnokvlke ecke emestvlke emetvlwvn heyvn ralakvtes.Tvstvnvkvlke emmvsehet emponiyet okat. Wacenvlke semvyetvn en-fvyvtkv fullekotomvks, pomestvlke enfulletv ohfullecetonomat mvt herres makvtes. Tekvmse Tokvpvcce Tvlvposv Etvlwv encukopericat mvt Mvskokvlke Horren emvliceckvt omvtes.Tekvmse Etvlwvlke yvmv vtelokat horre-opvnakvn. enjusapet emon-ayvtes. Momofvn Mvskoke tvstvnvkvlke onapv apokat horre-opvn-vkv pohet emakasvment Wacenvlke enrapet Tekvmse vcakvpeyvtes. Etvlwvlke vtelokat emvkerrickv etohkvlkekot omvtes. Monkv, em-etat mon vpvlwvn etepoyaket, horren etoh-hayaket omvtes. Mom-ekat nomat etekvpvket horre hayvketonomat Rvkkolvksa Hunhe mv-rahketvranvte, Momen Mvskoke etvlwvlke etohkvlket ohyekcicet nomat, Wacen emayetvn mvrahke enhayvranvtes.
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