Company G, 112th Infantry, and Service Troop, 104th Cavalry, War Memorial, a War Memorial

Company G, 112th Infantry, and Service Troop, 104th Cavalry, War Memorial, a War Memorial (HM1WQY)

Location: Annville, PA 17003 Lebanon County
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Country: United States of America
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N 40° 25.962', W 76° 34.115'

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Given in honor of Co. G, 112th Inf., PNG (1917) and Svc. Tp., 104th Cav. PNG (1940) and to the memory of the soldiers of those units who gave up their lives
World War I
Killed in Action
Sgt. John W. Wilson 28 Sep 1918 · Pvt. Clair Richwine 31 Aug 1918
Sgt. James W. Lau 26 Jul 1918 · Pvt. Charles Hoffsess 27 Aug 1918
Sgt. Samuel J. Harris · Pvt. Elwood I. Beistline 27 Aug 1918
Cpl. Orlando E. Newcomer 9 Jul 1918 · Pvt. Wilson E. Hench 1 Sep 1918
Cpl. Paul W. Kelley 27 Aug 1918 · Pvt. Raymond Naugle 8 Nov 1918 PFC. John G. Gutshall 2 Oct 1918 · Pvt. John H. Sloop 30 Sep 1918
PFC. Paul C. Goodyear 1 Sep 1918 · Pvt. Leland S. Werley 8 Oct 1918
PFC. James Failor 9 Jul 1918 · Pvt. Brady L. Stine 8 Oct 1918
Died in Service
PFC. Charles A. Rynard 12 Mar 1919
World War II
Killed in Action
T/4 Harold A. Shearer 28 Feb 1945 · PFC. Robert E. Shughart 1 Mar 1945
Established on Memorial Day, 1960
Year Placed1960
Placed ByBy Troop D, 104th Armd Cav. (The Governor's Troop) and the Gobin Guards, Hempt Bros., Inc. and Mrs. Franke Petre, Sr
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Wednesday, February 1st, 2017 at 5:01pm PST -08:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)18T E 366952 N 4476965
Decimal Degrees40.43270000, -76.56858333
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 40° 25.962', W 76° 34.115'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds40° 25' 57.72" N, 76° 34' 6.9" W
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Area Code(s)717
Which side of the road?Marker is on the right when traveling West
Closest Postal AddressAt or near North SR 934, Annville PA 17003, US
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