The Palace of the Sculpted Columns Historical

The Palace of the Sculpted Columns Historical (HM1X7V)

Location: , Yucatán Tinum
Country: Mexico
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N 20° 40.92', W 88° 33.985'

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Por su destacado trabajo en bajorrelieve en jambas y columnas, es uno de los edificios más importantes del lado este de la Plaza. Sus
características arquitectónicas advierten una función cívico-religiosa. Cuenta con una galería frontal y una serie de crujías interiores. Originalmente sus tres fachadas estuvieron decoradas con dibujos
geométricos, personajes y mascarones del dios narigudo. En su interior se
observan muros de etapas constructivas posteriores que cierran el espacio entre las columnas.Maya-Yucateco: Tu yo'olal seenkech ma'alob meyajta'anil u jadzutzkíinta' al u yokom tuunichilo'obe', le kúuchila' jun p'éel u nojochil le najo'ob yaan tu lak'inil k'íiwiko'. Tu yo'olal bix jadzutzkíinta'anile' ku na'ata'al meyajnaj tia'al k'ultajil, bey xan tia'al le kaajo'. Yaan jun p'éel nojoch chowak kúuchil tu táan,
ichile' yaan xan mejen kúuchilo'obi'. Ka'ache' u yóox p'éel táane' jadzutzkíinta'an yéetel jeejeláas oochelo'ob je'e bix wíiniko'obe', bey xan u pix icho'ob jun túul K'uj nojoch u ni'. Ichile' ku yila'al pak'o'ob
jeejeláas u yúuchbenil beeta'ako'ob, dzo'okole' ku nupiko'ob le okom tuunicho'obo'.English:The outstanding bas-reliefs
on jambs and columns make this building one of the most important on the east side of the Plaza. Its architectural characteristics denote a civic-religious
function. It has a frontal gallery and a series of interior corridors. Originally its three facades were decorated with geometric
designs, carvings of dignitaries, and masks of a god with an impressive nose. Inside the palace, walls of subsequent construction stages close the space between the columns.
HM NumberHM1X7V
Placed ByConsejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes de México (CONACULTA)-INAH
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Saturday, March 11th, 2017 at 1:01pm PST -08:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)16Q E 336846 N 2287742
Decimal Degrees20.68200000, -88.56641667
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 20° 40.92', W 88° 33.985'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds20° 40' 55.2" N, 88° 33' 59.1" W
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 5009 Carr. Costera del Golfo, Yucatán , MX
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