Temple of the Small Tables Historical

Temple of the Small Tables Historical (HM1X89)

Location: , Yucatán Tinum
Country: Mexico
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N 20° 40.906', W 88° 33.989'

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Templo de las Pequeñas MesasEste edificio presenta una
distribución similar a la del Templo de los Guerreros. Cuenta con una escalinata central que comunica a los dos cuartos superiores, los
cuales tuvieron techos abovedados sostenidos por pilares esculpidos con representaciones de guerreros; al frente se localiza la escultura de un Chac-mool entre dos columnas en forma de serpiente. Fue excavado a fines
del siglo pasado, cuando se desalojó parte del escombro de los cuartos, se encontró un altar sostenido por atlantes, al que la estructura debe su nombre.Maya-Yucateco:K'u' Najil le Mejen Mayak Che'obo'Le naja' ts'aba'an je'ex le Templo de los Guerreros wa K'u' najil le jba'ate'ilo'obo'. Yaan ti' jump'éel eeb tu chúumuk ku bisik máak te'
ka'ap'éel mejen najo'ob yaan ka'analo', yaanchaj ka'ach ti'ob jo'ol najilo'ob bey áaktun kucha'an ka'ach tumen wa'ala'an pak'o'ob t'oja'antako'ob ob tia'al u ye'esa'al jba'ate'ilo'obe'; tu taanile' yaan jump'éel Chak mo'ol beeta'an yéetel tuunich yaan ichil ka'ap'éel ka'anal tak'a'an tuunicho'ob beey kaano'obe'. Jpáana'ab tu xuulil le siiglo jmáano', ka jtse'el jump'iit u pak'il juutul ti' le mejen najo'obo'
yéetel kaxta'ab jump'éel teem kucha'an tumen le mejen máako'ob k'aba'ata'an je'ex atlantes, tu'ux ku taal u k'aaba' le pak'ilo'. English:
Temple of the Small Tables

This building has a similar distribution as the Temple of the Warriors. It has a central stairway which connects to the two upper rooms, which had
vaulted roofs held up by pillars sculptured with representations of warriors. To the front there is a sculpture of a Chac-mool reclining in between two serpent shaped columns. It was excavated towards the end of the nineteenth century. When part of the rubble was removed from
the rooms, a horizontal altar held up by "atlases" was found, thus giving the building its name.
HM NumberHM1X89
Placed ByInstituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (INAH)
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Saturday, March 11th, 2017 at 5:03pm PST -08:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)16Q E 336839 N 2287716
Decimal Degrees20.68176667, -88.56648333
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 20° 40.906', W 88° 33.989'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds20° 40' 54.36" N, 88° 33' 59.34" W
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 5009 Carr. Costera del Golfo, Yucatán , MX
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