Diesel-Electric Locomotives DH-19 and DH-17

Diesel-Electric Locomotives DH-19 and DH-17 (HM23TV)

Location: Heroica Puebla de Zaragoza, Puebla 72000 Puebla
Country: Mexico
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N 19° 3.181', W 98° 12.262'

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Locomotora de tracción diesel-electrica DH-19 y DH-17
Esta es dos de las cuatro locomotoras de este tipo que se conservan en la actualidad, fueron diseñadas para el servicio de pasajeros, llegaron a México después de haber corrido en las líneas Norteamericanas del Ferrocarril Atchison, Topeka y Santa Fe y del Delaware & Hudson, entraron por Nuevo Laredo, en noviembre de 1978, fueron adquiridas en arrendamiento por los Ferrocarriles Nacionales de México.La que se observa fue reconstruida en los Talleres Generales de la Región Pacífico (Empalme, Son.) en 1989, con el fin de que corriera en el Servicio Estrella, servicio nocturno de pasajeros que se inauguraría entre Guadalajara y Nogales. Ingresó al Museo Nacional de los Ferrocarriles Mexicanos en 1991. En 1980, la locomotora DH-17 fue dada de baja del servicio que prestaba en trenes de pasajeros y de carga, en las líneas del Ferrocarril del Pacífico. Después de 1991, la DH-17 fue reconstruida en los Talleres Generales de la Región Pacífico (Empalme-Sonora), para ser exhibida en el Museo Tecnológico de la Comisión Federal de Electricidad, en la ciudad de México. Ingresó al Museo Nacional de los Ferrocarriles Mexicanos en
1998. Esta es una de las cuatro locomotoras famosas de ALCO que fueron transformadas del modelo PA1 a PA4 y que en la actualidad
son las únicas que quedan de su tipo en el mundo. Constructor: American Locomotive Co. (ALCO), Estados Unidos, 1948
DH-19 y DH-1[7]
Constructor: American Locomotive Co. (ALCO), U.S.A., 1947 y 1948
Modelo: PA-4
Clase A1A-A1A. (Locomotora unitaria con dos trucks de seis ruedas, en los que el eje central es portante y los otros dos son ejes motrices).
Potencia: 2,000 hp.
Número de cilindros: 12
Generador: 1
Motores de tracción: 4
Freno dinámico: si (inoperante)
Via: ancha 1.435 m.Ferrocarril al que dio servicio: Ferrocarril del Pacífico
(Guadalajara-Nogales y Guadalajara- Mexicali)
Puesta en servicio en México: 1978 y 1979
English translation: Diesel-Electric Locomotives DH-19 and DH-17
These are two of the four locomotives of this type that are currently conserved here at the museum. They were designed for passenger service and arrived in Mexico after having run on the North American lines of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad and the Delaware and Hudson Railroad. They entered through Nuevo Laredo in November of 1978 and were acquired in a lease by the National Railroads of Mexico. The one that is observed was reconstructed in the General Workshops of the Pacific Region (Empalme, Sonora) in 1989, in order to run in the Star Service, a night passenger service that was to open between Guadalajara and Nogales. It entered the National Museum of the Mexican Railroads in 1991. In 1980, the locomotive DH-17 was decommissioned from the service it provided in passenger and freight trains on the Pacific Railroad lines. After 1991, the DH-17 was reconstructed in the General Workshops of the Pacific Region (Empalme-Sonora), to be exhibited at the Technological Museum of the Federal Electricity Commission, in Mexico City. It entered the National Museum of the Mexican Railways in 1998. This is one of the four famous ALCO locomotives that were transformed from model PA1 to PA4 and that are currently the only ones that remain of their type in the world. Builder: American Locomotive Co. (ALCO), United States, 1948
DH-19 and DH-1[7]
Builder: American Locomotive Co. (ALCO), U.S.A., 1947 and 1948
Model: PA-4
Class A1A-A1A. (Unitary locomotive with two trucks of six wheels, in which the central axle is the carrier and the other two are drive axles).
Power: 2,000 hp
Number of cylinders: 12
Generator: 1
Traction motors: 4
Dynamic brake: yes (inoperative)
Track: Wide 1.435 m
Railway to which it gave service: Railroad of the Pacific
(Guadalajara-Nogales and Guadalajara-Mexicali)
Commissioned in Mexico: 1978 and 1979
HM NumberHM23TV
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Friday, December 15th, 2017 at 7:01am PST -08:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)14Q E 583715 N 2106883
Decimal Degrees19.05301667, -98.20436667
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 19° 3.181', W 98° 12.262'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds19° 3' 10.86" N, 98° 12' 15.72" W
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Which side of the road?Marker is on the right when traveling South
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 1005 Calle 11 Nte., Heroica Puebla de Zaragoza Puebla 72000, MX
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