The Old College of San Javier

The Old College of San Javier (HM23YW)

Location: Heroica Puebla de Zaragoza, Puebla 72090 Puebla
Country: Mexico
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N 19° 2.905', W 98° 12.461'

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Antiguo Colegio de San JavierEl Colegio de Misioneros de San Francisco Javier fue la quinta institución educativa de los Jesuitas en la Puebla novohispana, centrada en la educación de la población indígena. Tras su expulsión en 1767 la orden abandona todos sus colegios y labor educativa. En 1834 San Javler pasa a ser propiedad del Gobierno del Estado de Puebla,y se construye la nueva Penitenciaria del Estado.Tras la Batalla del 5 de Mayo de 1862, el poblano Joaquín Colombres convirtió la Penitenciaria en el Fuerte Iturbide para la defensa de la ciudad durante el heroico sitio de 1863. Es aquí también, donde el Gral. Porfirio Díaz recupera la plaza en favor de la República un 2 de Abril de 1867.La Penitenclaria de Puebla estuvo funcionando hasta 1984, cuando se rescata San Javier para dedicarlo a actividades culturales y como testimonio histórico de la Ciudad de Puebla.
English:The Old College of San Javier
The Colegio de Misioneros de San Francisco Javier (Missionaries of Saint Francis Xavier College) was the fifth educational institution of the Jesuits in the novo-Hispanic city of Puebla, focused on the education of the indigenous population. After the Jesuits' expulsion in 1767, the Order abandoned all its colleges and its educational work. In 1834 San
Javier became State Government property, and the new State Penitentiary was built.After the Battle of May 5th in 1862, Joaquin Colombres, a native from Puebla, turned the Penitentiary into the Iturbide Fort for the defense of the city during the heroic siege of 1863. It was also here that General Porfirio Díaz regained the plaza for the Republic on April 2, 1867.The Puebla Penitentiary was in operation until 1984, when San Javier was restored to host cultural activities and to serve as historical testimony of Puebla City.
HM NumberHM23YW
Placed ByGobierno Municipal de Puebla
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Wednesday, December 20th, 2017 at 7:01am PST -08:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)14Q E 583369 N 2106372
Decimal Degrees19.04841667, -98.20768333
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 19° 2.905', W 98° 12.461'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds19° 2' 54.3" N, 98° 12' 27.66" W
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Which side of the road?Marker is on the right when traveling South
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 33 Calle 13 Sur, Heroica Puebla de Zaragoza Puebla 72090, MX
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