This 1000 acre tract, once the hunting and fishing grounds of Creek Indians, was purchased from Dr. Russell Thomas and John F. Thomas on December 4, 1946, by the Crisp County Commissioners, Dr. L.E. Williams, J. Homer Dorough and Claude L. McMillan, upon the request of the citizens of Crisp County.
It was deeded to the state and accepted by Ben Fortson, Secretary of State, for Governor Ellis Arnall for use and improvement as a perpetual memorial to the heroic service and sacrifice of Georgia veterans, as envisioned by Nelson M. Shipp and provided for by a 1946 Act of the General Assembly introduced by Palmer H. Greene, Representative of Crisp.
Improvements during 1945-1955 authorized by members of General Assembly with approval and aid of Governors Eugene Talmadge, Melvin Thompson, Herman Talmadge, and Marvin Griffin; and State Park Directors Ward Harrison, Charlie Morgan, Newton Moye and Roy F. Chalker; under supervision of Park Engineers H. W. Oliver and John. M. Mann.
Serve the Living - Honor out Heroic Dead
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