The Umatilla Rapids

The Umatilla Rapids (HM25I1)

Location: Umatilla, OR 97882 Umatilla County
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N 45° 55.207', W 119° 18.29'

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The Corps of Discovery descended the Columbia River in five dugout canoes made from pines felled at the mouth of the North Fork of the Clearwater River in Idaho.
Before McNary Dam harnessed this segment of the mighty Columbia, the river plunged through the fierce Umatilla Rapids. William Clark observed
"banks of Mussle Shels" here and called it "Muscle Shell rapid."

While the canoes carefully shot the rapids, Clark climbed a nearby cliff and "descovered a high mountain of emence hight covered with Snow," which he incorrectly identified as Mt. St. Helens - it was actually Mt. Adams.
On a clear day Mt. Adams is visible to the northwest from this overlook.
Sighting the snow-capped peaks of the Cascade Range, some of which were named by George Vancouver in 1792, indicated the expedition was approaching charted territory.

"We arrived at the head of a verry bad rapid, we came too on the Lard Side to view the rapid before we would venter to run it..."
William Clark, October 19, 1805
HM NumberHM25I1
Series This marker is part of the Lewis & Clark Expedition series
Placed ByLewis and Clark National Historic Trail
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Wednesday, February 14th, 2018 at 10:01pm PST -08:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)31N E 166021 N 0
Decimal Degrees45.92011667, -119.30483333
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 45° 55.207', W 119° 18.29'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds45° 55' 12.42" N, 119° 18' 17.4" W
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Area Code(s)541
Which side of the road?Marker is on the right when traveling South
Closest Postal AddressAt or near Devore Rd, Umatilla OR 97882, US
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