Palmer's Division - Crittenden's Corps.
Major General John M. Palmer.
September 19th, 1863, 4:30 P.m.
1st Brigade - Brigadier General Charles Cruft.
2d Brigade - Brigadier General William B. Hazen.
3d Brigade - Colonel William Grose.
The northward advance of Stewart's troops from in front of
Brotherton's was met at this point by several batteries,
aggregating twenty guns. These batteries, supported by fragments
of infantry regiments, hastily formed, became desperately engaged
with Bate's Brigade of Stewart's Division, and finally repulsed
Bate about 5 P.M. Meantime, under the direction of General Palmer,
Grose's Brigade was reformed, and Cruft being withdrawn from the
front, the division lines were established near this position for
the night. At dusk both Cruft and Hazen were dispatched to
assist Johnson and Baird's Divisions, which were furiously
assailed at that hour by Cleburne. Their services were not
needed, and at the close of that affair these brigades returned
and bivouacked near this point.
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