(side 1)
Dedicated June 15, 2002
Cold Springsadded station
Jul. 1, 1861 - Nov. 20, 1861
Located 1600' southbyLincoln County
James StreteskyNebraskaland Days, Inc.
Nebraskaland National Bank
North Platte/Lincoln County CVB
Lincoln County Historical Society
Pony Express Trail Association
(side 2)
Lincoln County Nebraska has 5 Pony Express Station sites.
Traveling west they are:
1. Gilman's2. Cottonwood Sprigns3. Cold Springs
4. Fremont Springs5. Dorsey's
Cottonwood Springs and Fremont Springs were two of the original 84 Pony Express Stations used on the initial April 3, 1860 trip between St. Joseph, Missouri and San Francisco, California.
On July 1, 1861 the company operating the Pony Express started to run a near Daily stagecoach service and their twice a week Pony Express operation both East and West bound. New "added stations" were needed to serve the stagecoach. The Pony Express would also use theses "added stations." The new stations were Gilman's, Cold Springs and Dorsey's in this area.
© 2002 Joe Nardone
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