A Castle for All Seasons

A Castle for All Seasons (HM2CQO)

Location: , Scotland IV63 6XL Highland
Country: United Kingdom
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N 57° 19.42', W 4° 26.559'

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A Castle for All Seasons

Urquhart was transformed many times during its long history, shaped and reshaped by its owners' changing needs and circumstances.
1. The Pictish Hill Fort
The first defences could date from before St Columba's visit in about AD 580. Vitrified rock, possibly from ramparts encircling the southern summit, was found here.   500s
2. The First Castle
The nobleman Alan Durward probably built a castle on top of the hill fort in the 1220s. A stone 'shell keep' most likely protected the timber buildings from which Durward wielded his authority.   1200s
3. The Medieval Fortress
The castle became a strategic fortress in the Wars of Independence. Its mighty gatehouse and donjon tower, built to the north of the citadel, defied the English invaders.   1300s
4. The Lochside Refuge
Many of the castle's buildings were ruined during 150 years of struggle between the MacDonald Lords and the Crown. The citadel was refortified as it was easier for a small force to defend.   1400s
5. The Laird's Residence
The Grants wanted a comfortable, defensible home appropriate for a laird. They rebuilt the donjon as a tower house and largely abandoned the castle south of a wall between the gatehouse and the water gate.   1500s
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Date Added Monday, December 10th, 2018 at 10:01pm PST -08:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)30V E 413128 N 6354336
Decimal Degrees57.32366667, -4.44265000
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 57° 19.42', W 4° 26.559'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds57° 19' 25.2" N, 4° 26' 33.54" W
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Which side of the road?Marker is on the right when traveling North
Closest Postal AddressAt or near Unnamed Road, Scotland IV63 6XL, GB
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